[Slackdocs] InterWiki links and l10n

Eric Hameleers eric.hameleers at alienbase.nl
Tue Oct 2 21:41:26 CEST 2012

On 10/02/2012 06:07 PM, Serg Bormant wrote:
> Hi,
> http://docs.slackware.com/wiki:syntax#interwiki
> says that Dokuwiki support InterWiki Links, for ex. [[wp>Wiki]]. But
> this is English only (i.e. en.wikipedia.org) and [wp>вики] doesn't
> bring me to "http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Вики" page.
> Is there any way to customize [[wp>]] for l10n support?
> 10x.
Hi Serg

There were already some ways to use localized Wikipedia sites. Apart
from the [[wp>Slackware]] you could already use [[wpde>Slackware]] for a
german Wiki page, etc... the supported localizations out of the box are:

wpfr      http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/{NAME}
wpde      http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/{NAME}
wpes      http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/{NAME}
wppl      http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/{NAME}
wpjp      http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/{NAME}

I added several other shortcuts today:

wp        http://wikipedia.org/wiki/{NAME}
wpen      http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/{NAME}
wpfa      http://fa.wikipedia.org/wiki/{NAME}
wpid      http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/{NAME}
wpit      http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/{NAME}
wpnl      http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/{NAME}
wppt      http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/{NAME}
wpru      http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/{NAME}
wpzh      http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/{NAME}

Basically, all the languages which we support on SlackDocs. Note that
there are no "zh-tw" or "pt-br" localizations so I had to use the
standard Zhongwen and Portuguese.

Now, using [[wpru>Slackware]] in a DokuWiki article should redirect you
to the russian page on Slackware.

Cheers, Eric H.

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